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Skin Types and Tanning

In hot sunny days we all like spending time on the beach, around the pool, in the garden or just taking a nice walk outside. “Life is Great in the Sunshine State,” but do we really like how to enjoy it without suffering the harmful effects of sun exposure?

Editors' Pick

Pregnancy Skin Care Tips that Work

You don’t need to be pregnant to know about its ups and lows, but speaking about having a real taste of the contrasting joy and discomfort of this period is another story.

Editors' Pick

Raw Food Diet

This diet is all about eating at least 75% raw, living foods. The raw food is pretty much anything that is in its natural state.

Editors' Pick

What are the Benefits of hot Yoga?

Hong Kongers have been downward-dogging and cat-stretching themselves in yoga studios across the city for some time now. Yet for many, hot yoga remains uncharted territory. Unlike hatha yoga or flow yoga, the various asanas (poses) of hot yoga are held in a heated environment.

Editors' Pick

The Five hacks to grow up your hair.

When we talk about hair fashion actually we are talking about a huge domain. Looking for a new haircut doesn’t require a lot of effort, hundreds of haircuts are being published every month..
