Sparkling, attractive eyes are the best assets a lady can have. Do take a little time to the special care that eyes.

  • Have enough sleep and rest to your eyes.
  • By splashing cold water refresh your eyes.
  • Never lend or use others eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, mascara or eye shade.
  • Wear sunglasses which defend your eyes from UV rays while going out in the sun.
  • Massage with almond oil or olive oil close to the eyes with light hands, eyes will have relaxation.
  • Do the exercise of eyes with the aid of pencil
  • Do not use make-up that may irritate and harm the eyes. Avoid spending too much time in hazy rooms and do not neglect a check-up on a regular basis.
  • Eat enough of Vitamin A and C, fruit and vegetables. Red, orange, yellow and dark green vegetables, fruits are superb for the eyes.
  • Soak cotton wool in chilled water to which some drops of rose water has been added and keep it on your eyes for five minutes.
  • Read in good light and keep a good distance while watching TV.
  • For wrinkles or fine lines round the eyes, apply white of the egg, leave it until it dries and wash it off with cold water. Do this continually or on alternate days. This natural cure for wrinkles round the eyes is terribly effective.
  • Apply apricot kernel oil to stop wrinkles around the eyes.
  • One should dip wads of cotton in mix of cucumber and potato juice (ideally chilled). Keep this onto the eyelids for roughly 30 minutes and then carefully wash them off. Apply a little baby oil and you spot the results after one month.
  • Massaging some drops of coconut oil round the eyes has been proved home-made cure to avoid and cure dark circles that are there due to any reason including stress.
  • If there's swelling around your eyes that makes you older than what precisely your age is, grate a potato tie in a cotton-cloth and put the fabric onto the eyes for roughly twenty minutes. This is good natural anti inflammatory agent and soaks up additional liquid.
  • Made a paste of sandalwood and nutmeg. Apply this medicated paste round the eyes before hitting the sack and rinse it off in next morning.
  • Smash a cucumber and remove the juice. Adding a little rosewater, applying round the eyes and washing after thirty minutes is all time remedy for exhausted eyes.

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