Worried about the appearance of wrinkles on your skin? Take note of the influencing factors listed below and try to prevent them from going overboard.
To rest well
Women who don't get enough sleep have more wrinkles because they make less collagen and make nighttime skin repair more difficult. But it is not only the hours that each one dedicates to it; there are wrinkles related to the posture adopted when sleeping. Always doing it on the same side makes the wrinkles stand out more in that area. It is therefore advisable to change sides or sleep on your back.
Don't gesticulate too much
Obviously gestures such as smiling or talking cannot be avoided, but chewing gum (for example) can. This fact causes so many wrinkles around the mouth, that you would forget to do it if you knew the number.
Avoid dryness
In dry environments the skin becomes dehydrated, which leads to the appearance of deep wrinkles. Counter it with humidifiers. Or put bowls of water in rooms.
Also stress
Stress is detrimental to so many things ... Among them is the appearance of wrinkles and bruxism (clenching and grinding the teeth when sleeping).
Eat a good diet
Last but not least is food. The skin needs antioxidants to protect it from free radicals that age it. Make sure you have good doses of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, zinc, and silicon. Give priority to vegetable proteins over animal proteins, avoid bad fats and sugars and, above all, drink plenty of water
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-reading-magazine-3781563/