Editors' Pick

How to have a healthy brain? Eating Wisely for a Healthier Brain

How to have a healthy brain? Eating Wisely for a Healthier Brain

Skin Types and Tanning

In hot sunny days we all like spending time on the beach, around the pool, in the garden or just taking a nice walk outside. “Life is Great in the Sunshine State,” but do we really like how to enjoy it without suffering the harmful effects of sun exposure?

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It is good that you do sports, that you take care of your diet, that you avoid being sedentary … And these things are as good as feeling good about yourself ! It is the key to being happy and that everything (as far as possible) comes out to order.


The Best Way To You Lose 10 Pounds

You see a 220-pound woman sobbing about her out-of-control weight on a television talk show. Then you hear the voice of a 300-pound man addicted to food who is so ashamed he hides behind a newspaper.


How to Treat Sweaty Palms

How many times have you refused handshakes because your palms were sweaty? And how many times have you found out that you are the only one in the room with sweaty palms? Well, if sweaty palms are a chronic problem for you, then you may be suffering from palmar hyperhidrosis.


How to Choose Soap?

Soap is something which we all use, but rarely put in much thought while buying it. It’s amazing isn’t it, because a life without soap is unimaginable! Yet you may be simply picking up your monthly supply of soaps after a quick glance at the package and price.


How to Choose Body Scrub?

Exfoliating dull skin can result in wonders beyond your imagination. Yes, this is not an exaggeration and you will know this if you have ever used a body scrub for exfoliating your skin.


Anti-Aging Diets

No matter how hard you try to avoid them, the signs of aging will show up sooner or later. And the problem is not just restricted to wrinkles and fine lines on your skin
